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When to Contact a Workers Comp Lawyer in North Carolina
November 11, 2022 at 8:00 AM
When to Contact a Workers Comp Lawyer in North Carolina

In North Carolina, the Workers' Compensation Act requires that most employers carry insurance to cover any workers who are injured or become ill as a result of their job. Generally, if you are an employee, and you are injured at work, or if you develop an illness because of your job, you are entitled to workers' compensation benefits. These benefits can include medical expenses and wage replacement.

The North Carolina Industrial Commission is the state agency that oversees the workers' compensation system in North Carolina. The Commission has a division called the Workers' Compensation Section, which is responsible for enforcing the state's workers' compensation laws.

If you have been injured at work, or have developed an illness because of your job, you may be wondering whether you need to hire a lawyer. Ultimately, the answer depends on your individual situation. This blog post will provide some guidance on when it might be appropriate to contact a workers' compensation lawyer in North Carolina.

1) If your employer does not have workers' compensation insurance:

If your employer does not have workers' compensation insurance, and you are injured at work, you may be able to bring a civil lawsuit against your employer to recover damages. You will need to prove that your employer was negligent and that their negligence caused your injury. The process can be timely and difficult to navigate, thus, it is important to speak with a workers comp lawyer right away if you find yourself in this situation.

2) If you have been denied benefits:

If you have been injured at work and your employer does carry workers' compensation insurance, you should be able to file a claim for benefits with the North Carolina Industrial Commission. However, claims are sometimes denied. If your claim has been denied, you should contact a workers comp lawyer straight away. A workers comp lawyer can help you navigate the appeals process and give you the best chance of getting the benefits you deserve.

3) If your employer is retaliating against you:

It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee for filing a workers compensation claim. If you think that your employer may be retaliating against you, you should contact a reliable workers comp lawyer right away. Note, retaliation can take many forms, such as demotion, termination, or reduction in hours. A lawyer can help protect your rights and ensure that you are treated fairly by your employer.

4) If you have questions about the claims process:

The claims process for workers compensation can be confusing and complex. If you have questions about how to file a claim or what benefits you are entitled to, a lawyer can help guide you through the process and answer any questions that you have.

5) If your claim has been accepted, but your benefits have been delayed:

After a claim has been accepted, there can sometimes be delays in receiving benefits. If this happens, it may be helpful to speak with a lawyer so that they can help get your benefits paid in a timely manner.

Reach out to Rodzik Law Group today!

No one ever expects to get injured at work or develop an illness because of their job—but unfortunately, it happens every day. Thankfully, most employers in North Carolina are required by law to carry workers' compensation insurance so that their employees can get the medical treatment and wage replacement they deserve. To protect your rights, get in touch Rodzik Law Group today for a consultation.